A Year with Steam Culture - Steam Culture

This episode marks our one-year anniversary of Steam Culture. In this video, Brent takes a walk down memory lane and looks back at some of the past episodes of Steam Culture.

The purpose of starting Steam Culture was to highlight where steam and our culture had intersected. Our goal was to bring this to you in an informative and entertaining way. Thanks to our viewers, to our video producer, Tyler, and to Brent for making these videos happen each week.

Key terms:
Steam Culture
Steam Boiler
Natural elements
Ware, Inc.

If you have any steamy questions that you want Brent to answer, email him at steamculture@wareinc.com. Be sure to join us next Friday for the latest on Steam Culture.

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YouTube Channel:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WareInc
Twitter: @wareinc
Website: www.wareinc.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Wareinc
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